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10 Ways to Make Him Miss You!

How to Make Him Miss You

It’s not easy to make your significant other want you again after you’ve hurt him or her, but if you want the relationship to survive, it’s important to try. The question isn’t whether or not your partner wants you back, though; it’s how do you make him or her want you again? If your goal is reconciliation and not revenge, then here are 10 ways to make him miss you and want to work things out with you.

1) Keep in touch:

  • Send a text. There’s nothing like having a good ol’ fashioned text message convo. Who doesn’t love getting a random text from an old friend out of the blue? If you want him to miss you, shoot him a quick text out of the blue and chat with him for five minutes or so.
  • Call his phone. Phone calls are another great way to get in touch! Even if it is just for 10 minutes, pick up your phone and give him a call. It will remind him that he misses talking to you and make him wish he was on the other line instead of sitting alone at home.
  • Snap a pic of something that makes you happy and send it to him. Seeing photos is always better than hearing about things second-hand; this little gesture will show him what kind of life you’re living without him there.
  • Share something exciting with him. Whether it’s news about yourself or some interesting tidbit about the world we live in, keeping each other up-to-date on current events can be a fun way to stay connected while apart.
  • Remind him why you two were friends in the first place. One of my favorite parts of making friends with someone is learning more about their lives, what they value, and where they came from. Get chatting about all those things that made you two click in the first place!
  • Draw a picture for him! Drawing pictures for people is one thing I used to do when I felt really far away from my friends when I was younger.

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2) Make time for each other:

It’s easy for couples to get busy with life and take one another for granted. One of the most important things you can do is spend quality time together. Take a walk, go on a date, or just spend some time chatting while sitting on the couch.

It will help your relationship grow and make him miss you more. If he doesn’t want to do anything, suggest that he give you a massage.

Surprise him by cooking his favorite meal. Offer to pick up his favorite dessert after work. Doing these simple things shows that you care about him and want to make an effort in the relationship!

3) Always look great:

  1. When he gets home from work, wait for him on the couch with a glass of wine and his favorite TV show on. He’ll feel so welcome and loved that he’ll want to sit next to you instead of plopping down in his chair across the room like usual.
  2. Before he leaves for work in the morning, make him breakfast in bed – it’s an easy way to start the day off right and make him think of you while he’s at work.
  3. Send him texts throughout the day to let him know what you’re up to and how much fun you’re having without him. He’ll be jealous and will enjoy knowing he can’t have all the fun himself!
  4. During times when he’s usually with friends or family (birthdays, holidays), send pictures or updates about your own time spent without him. It’ll drive him crazy wondering if you had more fun than he did!
  5. Cook one of his favorite dishes for dinner; it doesn’t matter if he comes home late from work and is too tired to eat-just being reminded of how good you are in the kitchen is enough to make him miss you.
  6. Call him during his lunch break just to talk. He’ll appreciate hearing your voice and remember why he loves spending time with you.
  7. Put some care into making sure he knows how important he is by setting aside some private time just for the two of you every week.
  8. Write little love notes about how much you care about him, stick them around where he’s sure to find them later on in the evening when it’s getting close to bedtime but before everything has gone quiet and lonely.

4) Greet him with a smile:

It’s easy to feel taken for granted in a relationship and sometimes it takes a little effort from us to make our significant other feel appreciated. In order to make him miss you, greet your partner with a smile when he gets home.

This will let him know that you’re happy they’re back and that you missed them while they were gone.

Don’t talk too much: Give them their space and don’t take up too much of their time after work. When you talk too much about your day or about the things going on around you, it can be hard for your guy to tune out what you’re saying because he might be tired or want some peace and quiet.

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5) Embrace his family:

When you’re in a long-distance relationship, it’s easy for your partner to feel like they’re missing out on the important moments in their family’s life. If you want him to miss you, try embracing his family.

Invite them over for dinner and ask them questions about his childhood. Share some of your favorite memories with them. Spend time with them so they can see that he has someone who cares deeply about him and who is willing to put in the effort required to make him happy.

The next day, send an email thanking his mother for the amazing meal or text her to let her know how much fun you had. By making an effort to get closer with his family, not only will they be more appreciative of all you do but he will also appreciate it more too.

6) Give him space when he needs it:

When he needs space, give it to him. He might not know how to ask for it and he might not even be consciously aware of what he needs. But if you observe that his behavior has changed in any way, that’s your sign that something is wrong and you need to back off.

The more time you spend trying to persuade him otherwise, the more resentful he’ll become. If he says he doesn’t want to see you, respect that wish and don’t contact him.

If you’re worried about hurting his feelings by giving him space, then find out exactly why he needs it before proceeding further. Ask yourself whether it would help or harm your relationship with him if you gave him some space when he needed it.

7) Show interest in his life:

It is important that you show interest in his life, even if it seems insignificant. Ask him about his day, if he is excited for a vacation he has coming up, or what he likes doing for fun on the weekends.

Showing that you care about what is going on in his life and taking an interest will make him happy and more likely to want to talk with you. He will also feel closer to you since you are getting know each other better.

He’ll be less likely to take you for granted or lose interest in spending time with you because he’ll see how much time and effort goes into making these little conversations happen!

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8) Remember why you fell in love with him:

The best way to make him miss you is by reminding him of why he fell in love with you in the first place. This will remind him of the good times and remind him of what you have together.

Maybe it’s the time that you went on a date, or maybe it’s the time that he realized he was in love with you. But whatever it may be, reminding him of what made him fall for you in the first place will make his heart ache for more.

9) Respect his hobbies:

If you want your man to miss you and be more attentive, try respecting his hobbies. If he likes fishing, don’t drag him away from the water when he’s in the middle of a good catch.

If he likes hunting, don’t complain when it means sitting out on a cold morning in the woods. And if he’s an avid golfer, don’t tell him he needs to take up a new hobby if golf is what brings him joy.

Instead, show interest in what he does. It might just remind him how much fun they had together before all those arguments started happening.

10) Don’t hold grudges:

No one is perfect and there are bound to be times when your partner does something that rubs you the wrong way. But try not to hold grudges and instead, come up with a way for him or her to make it up to you.

For instance, if he promised you a night out on the town but canceled at the last minute, ask him what he’d like from his favorite restaurant and then surprise him with takeout when he gets home from work.


In conclusion, there are many ways to make a guy miss you, but the most important thing is knowing yourself and what will really make you happy. Don’t forget that in the end it’s your happiness that matters most!

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